Some atomizers are designed for single coils, some for dual and some for triple or more. Not all atomizers are built the same way and some are much easier to use than others. On a rebuildable dripping tank atomizer (RDTA) you can do both. If you have a rebuildable tank atomizer (RTA), then fill up the tank and don’t let it get empty. If you are using a rebuildable dripping atomizer (RDA), then keep dripping every time you sense it is getting dry.

The power you will need to fire your atomizer at depends on the specifications of your coils, so start low until you reach your desired vape. Drip some e-juice on the coil to prime your wick.

Prepare your coil and secure it on the atomizer’s build deck (you will need to do this again for atomizers that require more than one coil).What you need is a simple set of tools, wire or a pre-made coil, and wick (usually cotton.) Modern atomizers are built and operated in similar ways.